Wednesday, December 14, 2011

_*Simple Machines Around My House*_#4

We have been studying simple machines in STEM. We were assigned homework that we had to go home and take a picture with all 6 of the simple machines.
-My first picture is of me with the pulley. This pulley is part of our garage door. It lifts the door (the load) with the effort of the engine.

-The second picture is me with a lever. The lever is a shovel and it helps dig holes.

-The third picture is me with a srew. The screw holds the hinge onto the fence post.

-The fourth picture is me with a linclined plane. I'm sitting on the steps to represent it helping me to reach the front door easier.

-The fifth picture is me with a wedge. The wedge i chose was a saw. The saw cuts through the wood or whatever it is cutting.

-The sixth picture is of me with a wheel and axle. As you can see i chose a car tire of my sister's car. The wheel helps the car move smoother by rotating on its axle.

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